UK CV FamUK CV Family's own Caroline Pover, entrepreneur and award-winning author, who penned the 5* recommended CVARS Guide, delivered an emotional and powerfully charged speech at the Better Way Conference. It was significant in its representation of our Covid-19 vaccine Injuries and its description of how others view those with chronic conditions and invisible illnesses.
"I'm going to make some of you uncomfortable. Having spent the last 14 months as a vaccine-injured person, I'm used to making people very uncomfortable" - Caroline Pover, fierce wordsmith and philanthropist.
Caroline's speech in its entirety is available below and on YouTube. We ask that you share her speech, 'Life Through the Lens of an Injured Person,' via our website link on your favourite social media channels to support our cause.
"Somehow, in our desperate need for help, we've become subject to a growing voyeurism around the vaccine-injured that is as inappropriate as the way we are treated by those who refuse to acknowledge that we exist. We do not find compassion in this exploitation" - Caroline Pover, fierce wordsmith and philanthropist.
Find out more about Caroline's CVARS Guide
The Covid Vaccine Adverse Reaction Survival Guide can help "If you're dealing with a range of complicated and confusing health problems following a Covid vaccination." Caroline's CVARS Guide is also "essential reading for anyone providing personal or professional support to someone dealing with an adverse reaction."
To find out more about Caroline, the CVARS Guide and how to order, please click here or use the 'Resources' link in the menu.
Need support, or are you interested in offering your support?
If you are based in the UK and have been injured after receiving your Covid-19 vaccine, you can reach us by email at or visit us on our Facebook page.
UK CV Family is run by Covid-19 vaccine-injured volunteers living in the UK. We need your help to keep our group active and raise awareness to support all of our UK CV Family members and others affected by the Covid-19 vaccines. If you would like to offer further support, we are accepting donations via GoFundMe using this link
Thank you, we are truly grateful for any help you can provide